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6.10.2005 ||>   But I still had to wash the dishes

When I first heard of vegan ranch dip, I was a bit skeptical. As much as I love tofu, I thought that maybe it wouldn't go so well with a packet of ranch dip mix and the juice of one lemon. Too healthy. I mean, if it were really that easy, wouldn't all those "low fat" ranch dip makers be using tofu instead of low fat sour cream?

Well, I guess it just proves that low fat food makers aren't as bright as they'd like to think.

I just added the juice, a packet of ranch dip mix and a 16oz package of soft silken tofu and it was just as good as the regular, with a ton more protein to make up for all the lost fat. Tofu can have a chalky undertaste, but adjusting the lemon juice solves that and with some onion, bell pepper, tomato, and carrot all shredded and mixed together, wrapped in a flavored tortilla, I have a very tasty veggie wrap.

Too bad everyone at the office is a carnivore, so I can't make them all jealous with my mad culinary skills.

Sepra was livin' easy on 7:38:00 AM || Site Feed ||

6.09.2005 ||>   I almost feel like writing a haiku of happiness. Almost.

I kept meaning to post all day yesterday, but then I fell asleep in front of the television.

Last night, I got a new addition to my swanky-and-overpriced apartment. For three weeks, I had been couchless. To watch TV, I either had to sit in my slightly uncomfortable kitchen chairs or lay down on the floor. My couch was being made for me, you see. Like a car, I was able to pick out exactly what I wanted and in the color of my choice. Then wait three weeks and have it delivered at a price lower than a typical furniture store. Hell, it was cheaper than IKEA. And it is the most comfortable sofa I've had in years, if ever. So, I'm going to plug, which is something I almost never do. If you live in the Philadelphia area, go here:
Chasin Furniture Inc
445 Lancaster Ave
Malvern, PA 19355-3601
Phone: (610) 647-8899
It sort of looks like a front for the Mafia, but it's really just a small mom and pop kind of place. The people are nice and will give you what you want at a really good price.

* side note: after taking this post through spell check, it seems that "Mafia" should be capitalized. Who made that distinction?

Sepra was livin' easy on 7:08:00 AM || Site Feed ||

6.07.2005 ||>   You have to take risks if you want results.... right?

Google search comes up with these tips for applying a fake tan:
  1. Exfoliate area to be tanned. This is a very important first step so don't skip it.
  2. Rinse skin thoroughly. There can be no soap film.
  3. Do not apply moisturizer before applying the tanning product.
  4. Thoroughly rub the self-tanner into the skin to avoid streaks.
  5. Do not apply to knees, elbows or feet.
  6. Wash hands to remove the product.
  7. Allow color to develop.
Wouldn't you know that I skipped over almost every step? Plus, half way through, there was a blackout from the thunderstorms last night. Still, it came out pretty good, with only a few streaks around the arms. I think that says more about the niceness of the product than my ability to follow directions.

It did not turn me orange either, as my mother always maintained. Maybe the next time, I'll get it right and turn out pretty and bronze.

Sepra was livin' easy on 7:04:00 AM || Site Feed ||

6.06.2005 ||>   Taking out the trash

One of the more confusing things about my recent break-up was all the stuff he had recently bought and left at my apartment. The weekend prior to breaking up with me, he had purchased a toothbrush, a six-pack of hamburger patties, grilling sauce, a twelve pack of Mountain Dew, and a pack of processed Swiss "cheese". He bought these items because I don't eat any of it, and he wanted to stock my fridge for when he came over. I guess it also proves that you never can tell what's going on in someone's head. And that when he's decided to off-load the girlfriend, he makes up his mind pretty fast.

I had been staring at all that crap all week long. Which is why it felt so nice to toss it. Well, I did keep the "cheese," the sauce and the soda on the off-chance that I would like something icky to eat. Now it should only be good times ahead. I would like to still be friends with him, he's definitely a good drinking buddy and we do get along. Now that I have gotten rid of the boyfriendly stuff, maybe we can do that.

Sepra was livin' easy on 9:01:00 AM || Site Feed ||

6.05.2005 ||>   Like Narnia, only time didn't change

Last weekend, I had been dying for three days to go out and do something. I'm not really out of the way and I'm really close to the places a girl without a car should be close to (like the grocery store), but my apartment was lonely and I was alone for most of the holiday. I had also realized that I didn't particularly like my job, so I was yearning for something fun to take my mind off of everything.

This weekend so far has been such a good time! I had Gregorian monks chanting Metallica, lots of people calling me and last night I went with Nathan and his friend Debbie to the Russian section of Philly. We couldn't go to the Uzbek restaurant because they were charging a $25 minimum per person (I almost missed those arbitrary rules!) so we went to an Ukrainian restaurant. I was able to speak some Russian, I got borscht, and we watched some dancers perform.

It was like stepping into a portal back to the former Soviet Union. They had the same table set up, the same strange wallpaper, carpets on the wall, even the chairs were identical. Everyone was speaking Russian, and looking at our jeans like we were sadly dressed down. The only difference was that no one was interested in us, which was awesome. I realized that while I had been missing all that a little bit, that I never wanted to go back for any length of time.

Sepra was livin' easy on 9:11:00 AM || Site Feed ||